
Sadomasochy is the non-pathological term for S&M.

The term »Sadism« is a medical term and derived from the name of the person »Marquis de Sade« (1740–1814). The term »Masochism« is a medical term and derived from the name of the person »Leopold von Sacher-Masoch« (1836-1895). The psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902) introduced the term »Sadism« in the year 1866 and the term »Masochism« in the year 1886. From this were derived the terms »Sadist« and »Masochist« as well as »sadistic« and »masochistic«. The person Marquis de Sade was not a sadist and the person Leopold von Sacher-Masoch was not a masochist until then. All of these terms are purely medical terms and are also listed in the IDC (International Classification of Diseases).

With the use of these terms without further addition it is not possible to differentiate from non-pathological and pathological sadists and masochists. To use the terms for a self-titling on the assumption that it would not mean the pathological form is very naive. Pathological sadists and masochists can do the same. To think that there are no patholgic sadists and masochists in the S&M scene is wrong and dangerous.

Some non-pathological S&M people in the S&M scene exploit the danger to decorate their reputation with it. These non-pathological S&M people vehemently reject a distinction from pathological sadists and masochists. Other non-pathological S&M people simply do not know how to differentiate themselves from pathological sadists and masochists. They use the terms out of habit. Those non-pathological S&M people who do not want differentiation from pathological sadists and masochists, they want to be seen as pathological in a certain way. All other non-pathological S&M people do not want to be seen as pathological.

People in the S&M scene are so used to the terms that they don't see a way out of this situation. Thereby the matter is quite simple. Here is a short explanation.

It is necessary to differentiate between an idea and an ideal. The idea to arrange the sexual life differently than for usual can lead to new sexual experiences. There can be many different ideas of this. Also in S&M there are very many different ideas that can let you experience sexuality in a new way. An idea is nothing fixed. It always depends on the situation. This refers to consensuality as well as S&M as an extension of sexuality. If an ongoing situation is reached in which sexuality is reduced to S&M and possibly to a single S&M game, as well as an urge for its realization, the idea has become an ideal. An ideal is not flexible. An ideal demands not only a realization by oneself, but demands a realization through the others. This is a typical -ism. This can lead so far that the realization is forced, that others are forced to the realization. In medicine, such a situation is then called pathological.

The use of the terms »sadism« and »masochism« is also difficult because of the -ism. However, this can be remedied very easily by forming new terms from the basic words »Sade« and »Masoch«. Very workable terms are the following.

- Sadomasochy
- Sadomasocheur
- sadomasochic
- Sady
- Sadeur
- sadic
- Masochy
- Masocheur
- masochic

With the use of these terms a clear differentiation to the medical terms and pathological sadists and masochists is given. Anyone can freely use these terms and establish them by their use. Only those S&M people continue to use the medical terms who want to compare themselves or others with pathological sadists and masochists. For all other peoples and for all other situations the use of the new terms is freely available. The short forms »S&M« and »Sadomaso« are retained.

Sady & Masochy

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The sadomasochy association advocates the adoption of sady & masochy.

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Office for female sexual abnormity

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